New House
The hermit crabs got a new house today. They were in a small-ish (circa six gallons) tank made for amphibians - now they're in a ten gallon fish tank. Had to go to the beach to get more sand which I microwave to sterilize, and found some great shells while I was there. I would attach pictures, but I don't have a camera.
When I put them in the big tank with all the sand and space and bigger climbing sticks, they emerged from their shells, and the three of them did a slow 270 looking around. Then they just sat there and stared. They couldn't believe their eyestalks.
They've already done some redecorating with the shells, and plenty of burrowing of course. All of them - Snowman, Winterscene and Greenguy - seem much happier. After the initial shock of the new flat they promptly scooted to three separate corners. Maybe they had a fight in the shoebox. But I think they need some more entertainment, so I'm going to get some climbing logs from the pet store.
Here you can watch the ultimate shredder eat anything from paper to a boat, to a refrigerator, to a couch, to railroad ties...
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