Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Daniel, the webmaster for Atwood, Kansas's town newspaper, has left the town, removed the website, and put in its place an open letter (edit: site removed - mirrored here)to his hometown. Atwood recently voted 984 to 113 to deny gay couples any rights for their relationships - including hospital visitation. In the letter, he addresses, among other things, Gay taxation without representation and Biblical arguments against homosexuality, and thus homosexual marraige.

Although the grammar at times is horrific, it's a very sincere, well-thought-out, and frankly measured response to the bigotry that's been sweeping the country of late. Do we need simply to wait two generations for society to become liberal enough to right this wrong? We can always rely on attrition, but in the case of clear injustice, I'd rather not.

Since the article probably won't be up for very long, I've mirrored it on my webspace.