Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Proof Positive

... that fundamentalist Islam and fundamentalist Christianity are on the same side. (see this weblog's credo)

In order to make up its mind over what sort of biological concepts should be taught to Kansas schoolchildren, the state's school board is using taxpayer money to fly in a nonscientist associated with a group that terrorized Turkish professors who dared question that the proliferation of life on Earth was a miracle of Allah.

When asked to appear in Kansas to counter the creationists (let's not mince words here, ID is creationism costumed in pseudo-science), the following is one example of how actual scientists responded:

"As I am sure you are aware, the state of Kansas has made itself the laughingstock of the scientific world over this issue," wrote Oxford University professor and well-known author Richard Dawkins to the state board after he got his invitation. "The very idea of 'representatives from both views' presupposes that there are two views to represent.... For real scientists to share a platform with the biological equivalent of flat-earthers would be to give them the credibility, respectability, and above all publicity that they crave. I am sorry, but count me out."

I understand why reputable scientists are boycotting this trial, but given what happened in Turkey (creationism is now taught in public high school biology books there), and the players involved, can they really afford to sit this one out?

Though it's unsavory, we need to take these people head on, not just ignore them. Religion has this nasty habit of occupying power vacuums (e.g. the dark ages and other transitional periods between empires) such that when there is no strong leadership pointing to the truth, religion emerges and attracts throngs to itself, as it requires no objective critical thought, only blind belief and intransigence. It's an alarmingly simple and effective trap, and all too alluring for a huge number of (uneducated) people. People like Kathy Martin.

That's why we have to engage creationists or any of these other ignorant groups of people, regardless of their tactics or backward beliefs - because if we don't they will win people over the same way they have in power vacuums of the past: by default. They thrive on silence. Let's not afford them another default.
