Friday, May 19, 2006

Where's Your Party Now?

Both parties are evil - despicable and pusillanimous. Though the Republican party has, under this President, committed the most appalling apostasy of principle that I've seen a major political party take in my study, the Democrats are no better - for though they hope to be what the Fundie Right is not, they're gradually capitulating to them, to steal the new center, a center significantly more authoritarian than it was when the Clintonistas coined the term.

Case in point: On May 10, Howard Dean appeared on the 700 Club, and told Pat Robertson that the Democratic Party Platform is that "marriage is between a man and a woman."

Party supporters dispute this claim by their leader, repeatedly. And they're right, to a point. The current Democratic party platform includes equality of marriage and other great aspirations for people of all sexual orientations, but it is conspicuously absent from the forthcoming platform, for the Midterm elections and the next Presidential race.
