Muslims, Van Gogh and Hollywood
Andrew Sullivan's email of the day for 11-03-05 (emphasis mine):
As you know, Jane Fonda, Sean Penn, Warren Beatty, et al are not filmmakers, they are celebrities. They do not speak for the independent film community. I'm an independent filmmaker, and let me tell you I am horrified by the Van Gogh story. It is as disturbing as it gets. He made a short film about a Muslim woman, and he gets brutally murdered for it? I can't wrap my head around it. I shot a movie with a crew of five in the projects of the South Bronx, and somehow I was not in that kind of danger.
I wish those Hollywood bloviators were not considered representatives of the creative community. They are funded by the studios, meaning they are funded by corporations, just like the people on the right they criticize. So you're hearing it, right now, from a filmmaker living in Hollywood: the Theo Van Gogh murder is a horror, an outrage, and a sin against mankind.
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