Monday, November 07, 2005

"Blame Bush for France"

Some excerpts from Rush's show today - I'm glad that 22 million people listening to him are hearing this, because the left will blame the terrorist insurgency in France on Bush.

... You know who runs Somalia: warlords like Mohammed Farrah Aideed Sahib Skyhook, he of Mogadishu fame. That's who these "pirates" are. They are not insurgents in Iraq, they are terrorists, they are Islamic terrorists, and they are being recruited from all over by Iran and Syria, and yet, Bush can't be right. You have to understand what a guiding principle this is for the American left, which includes the Democratic Party in the media. Bush cannot be right. So what's happening in Paris is just a young bunch of ruffians, just a young bunch of street thugs who are of course trapped in their poverty and have no hope and have no future and are lashing out because in France you have the haves and the have-nots, which of course is a joke because in France you've got nothing but pure socialism. You don't have to work to get benefits. You can if you want to but it doesn't make any difference. You have very high minimum wage, and if you don't have a minimum wage job you'll have a pretty high benefit unemployment rate, and benefit. France threw its lot behind socialism long, long time ago with the mistaken belief that the finer elements of humanity would rise to the cream of the crop and the surface and we would all find experimental ways to get along with one another in our differences yet side by side and so forth, and it stems from the liberal arrogance. The liberal arrogance is that there will be no enemies of liberals because liberals have the ability to make everybody appreciate and love them and be in awe of them. Liberals, that's why they always think they can appease their enemies.

"Why, they won't want to attack us, why, they will want us to help them rule the world, because we're the smart people, we are the good people." And it's just amazing to me when you look at world history, and you find the number of liberal socialist appeasers who have been profoundly embarrassed time and time and time again, you talk about people who are stupid rather than the brilliant elites they think they are, they do not learn from one experience or two or a dozen.


[What do Liberals think of] The Soviet Union? Why, it would have just worked if we hadn't had corrupt people in there. If we hadn't had corrupt people, the Soviet Union would have worked. Socialism, it's clearly the best for everybody, because it doesn't choose winners. Everybody is equal. Yeah, equally miserable! So this thing in Paris, I think it's a little too soon in France to know where it's going to go, but the signs are ominous if you ask me. The signs of this are really ominous because does anybody think the French can really put out this fire by themselves? Does anybody think they will? I don't. Well, I take that back. There are certain ways they could do it, and those are even worse than not-- (interruption) They're going to call in the military? Oh, the French are talking about calling in the military. Okay, they're talking about calling in the military, and they'll keep talking about calling in the military. If they ever do call in the military, they're call in Lawrence of Arabia, the French Foreign Legion. Call them in there to do something and then after whatever they do they'll apologize for it and give half the country over to the people that they just creamed and say, "Please forgive us," or whatever.

It remains to be seen. It is getting out of control. Now it's going to spread inside the city limits of Paris, and, you know, all these people who have accepted these promises of tranquility and peace are going to demand something to stop this. And if they're like the liberals and socialists in this country they're going to blame their own government and they're going to blame their own prosperity, going to blame themselves for it rather than the people who are actually committing these crimes. But the press is eager -- depending on what you read -- the press is eager to make sure, "No, no, no, no! This is not Al-Qaeda types. Oh, no, no, no! These are just young kids. These are just young kids buried in their poverty, striving to be noticed, striving to right the social wrongs in an unjust world," blah, blah, blah. This kind of garbage talk that makes me not to throw up, because Bush can't be right. Bush can't be right that there are terrorists all over the world and that they are gradually immigrating to free and open countries in the world for the purposes of raising hell and havoc, oh, no, Bush can't be right about that because, you see, in the construct of the liberal world the terrorists are only terrorists because Bush made them that way. There were no terrorists until Bush became president. When Bush became president, that gave us some terrorists, because they were mad that he stole the election from the Democrats in Florida. Then when Bush was reelected in '04 because the voting machines in Ohio were tampered with, that created more terrorists. Then when Bush went in to Iraq and kicked out the dictator and got rid of the rape rooms and the torture chambers and the mass murders, that created more terrorists. So Bush has created all this terrorism. Now, to follow suit, you almost have to blame Bush for what's happening in Paris, and don't be surprised when that happens.


RUSH: What are we up to now, 1,400 cars that have been burned in Paris? Oh, it's to 5,000 total, or is it 1,400 for this cycle? Okay, 1,400 this cycle, but 5,000 since the whole phenomenon began. When does that 5,000 predate? Only 12 days ago? I thought the 1,400 was 12 days -- I just read something at BBC, and they said 1,400 in the most recent riotings. Anyway, 1,400, 5,000, we need to start a car fire count just like the media does a body count of American soldiers in Iraq. We need to get gleeful when we get to 1,500 cars, then start counting up to 2,000. If it's 5,000 we get gleeful when it gets up to 5,100, whatever it is. Because I'll tell you what's happening over there. This is not just the burning of Paris and the burning of France, but I will guarantee you, even if these are just ruffled French ruffians, youth, if you will, I guarantee you that there are jihadists all over Europe watching the reaction to this, gauging it, and making plans based on how much easier they think it might be to get away with this kind of thing in certain countries. You can't throw out the fact that France has the third largest Jewish population in the world after Israel and New York. Well, America. But you can't take all these factors out. You know, Brussels and Germany are having these instances. Now, there's some copycats going on out there clearly but you don't know if some of these copycats are made up of the people in the same kind of mind-set, and I think it's a little too risky for all these people to start calling this stuff copycat now, because, remember, folks, the template has set, the news cycle has set. It's all Bush's fault, Bush created terrorists, Bush started terrorism, Bush created them by going to war and opposing them. If the liberals can just win this country back and just run this country and show the terrorists around world we mean them no harm, just like France has been doing all these years. A-hem! A-hem! A-hem, a-hem, a-hem!