More from "The Religion of Peace"
It doesn't matter, I don't care anymore. I'm going to go ahead and confuse governments and people, at least where they espouse the same hateful religion. Read on, in amazement (from
Iranian state television has broadcast a cartoon that glorifies suicide bombings against Israelis, depicting a young boy blowing himself up after being told: "Go and show the Zionists how brave and heroic are the children of Palestine."
The cartoon, one of a series shown by the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting on "Jerusalem Day" nine days ago, presents the actions of a boy who kills himself to strike back against Israelis as a noble example for children to follow. The cartoon follows the story of Abd who dies in a suicide attack. More professionally produced and graphic than previous Iranian propaganda aimed at children, the cartoon appears to be part of a campaign led by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to elevate the issue of the destruction of Israel. The day before the cartoon was shown, he declared at a World Without Zionism conference: "This stain of disgrace [Israel] will be wiped off the face of the world - and this is attainable."...
Why do we tolerate this? Why do we live on the same planet as these, um, "people?" "People" who teach their young to kill others. "People" who brainwash and pollute their youth through children's television. "People" who hold "World Without Zionism" conferences. "People" who declare "This stain of disgrace [Israel] will be wiped off the face of the world - and this is attainable." These things are not "people" - they are monsters, and need to be executed en masse.
This is what the tolerance and appeasement of the thugs and dictators in the UN has gotten us: an untenable situation. It's escalated beyond politics, and now we are headed for an unavoidable world war. Thank you very much, UN! You've certainly done your job well! What a way to prevent war: Feed the monster, maybe he'll like us! Their diplomacy of socialism and impotence has failed miserably. If it had worked, or was working, the US wouldn't have responded to this threat by electing someone like GW who, while probably ill-equipped to be the leader of the free world, will at very least not back down from these savages and their eschatological rhetoric. At least, that's why I voted for him. Self-hating, blame-America-first liberals have brought us to this point, and it is becoming increasingly clearer that we've passed a point of no return with the Islamic world.
Let's hear it for the UN!
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